Capturing Yoga Light

Yoga is sharing it’s light worldwide, and so is yoga photography. There is something unexplainably beautiful about capturing the essence of living yoga moments. Here we catch up with yoga photographer, Jason Reinhart to get some inside info on his life behind the lens. 


How did you get into photography? Tell us about your vision…

I took a photography class in high school but never kept up with it. That was back in the days of film. About five years ago, I got my first DSLR camera and started shooting again. I liked the fact that I could shoot as much as I wanted to without the expense of developing film. I learned what worked and what didn’t work immediately. I’m a self-taught photographer and like to experiment. I have always been drawn to the beauty of my surroundings here in Florida. The seascape, especially at sunrise or sunset, is different from day to day. It’s a very calming subject to photograph. That’s why I like shooting yogis, too, especially at the beach during sunrise or sunset. Their calmness and ability to focus on their inner self and let go of the stresses of the day going from pose to pose captivates me.


When did you begin shooting yoga photography?

I began concentrating on yoga photography about three years ago after contacting Kino MacGregor (@KinoYoga) and Kerri Verna (@BeachYogaGirl) while I was in South Florida visiting friends.  After shooting those two yogis, I saw the beauty of capturing yogis in their zen state of mind.  Just as the sunrise throws off beauty that you can’t describe its the same as photographing a yogi being flowing. It lets the photograph express the harmony between man and nature. It’s a powerful image.


How do you “live yoga” behind the lens?

In the beginning I was only interested in shooting yogis in action; however after my third photo shoot, I decided to give yoga a try.  I’ve found out that understanding yoga has helped my yoga photography.


Any advice on how we can make the world a better place?

Obviously treat others how you would like to be treated.  Make a solid effort to get to know your neighbors, classmates and/or work colleagues; show compassion and be humble! Never forget where you came from and give back to your community in any way you can.


What inspires you?

The challenge of trying to tell a story through images. Through my photos I hope to take people to places they haven’t been and show them the world through my eyes.


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Processed with VSCOcam with a1 preset


Jason Reinhart has been a lifestyle photographer for 4 years and a yogi photographer for 2 years. Born and raised in Virginia, he currently lives in Ormond Beach, Florida. He loves traveling, meeting new people, and experiencing new cultures. He lived in Sweden eight years and holds dual citizenship in the US and Sweden.




Jason is interested in Yoga Trade opportunities. Organize a trade with him for your next yoga retreat or event!  

Instagram: @jasonhreinhart



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