Inspiring Yogis
Meet Yoga Teacher: Catherine Haut
This week we’re grateful to catch up with yoga teacher and beautiful human, Catherine Haut. Yoga Trade and the Yoga Farm brought us together and we love to bear witness to her blossoming and becoming! Here we get a glimpse of Catherine’s story and learn about her passion for mini…
Yoga Writing and Slow Travel: Ely Bakouche
We connected with Ely Bakouche several years ago through the platform she helped co found; Shut Up & Yoga. We continue to be super inspired by the approach and creativity of this digital magazine and love Ely’s perspective on yoga writing, travel, and life. Here, with catch up with Ely…
Creatrix Spotlight: SunseekCo Saanti
We met Saanti (founder of SunseekCo) this year in Costa Rica while she was working with Surf With Amigas. We love her enthusiasm for life, her handmade swimwear, and the serendipitous moment of learning that she has been a Yoga Trade member for years. Here we catch up with Saanti…
Yoga Philosophy as a Path of Self-Realization in the Real World
Yoga has been my exercise, hobby, and side-gig for nearly my entire adult life. Through cross-planet moves, falling in love and getting my heart broken, a global pandemic (say what?!), losing loved ones and jobs, career changes, and quarter life crises — yoga has been there every step of the…
International Yoga Teachers: Ron Reid and Marla Meenakshi Joy
Here we get an inside glimpse into the lives of international yoga teachers, Ron Reid and Marla Meenakshi Joy. Join them in Costa Rica this April! How many yoga trainings and retreats have you led? We started teaching internationally in 2001….in Europe…before many other American yoga teachers hit the scene…
Yoga Journal: Live Be Yoga Tour
Just as Yoga continues to evolve itself, Yoga Journal has surely come a long way since it’s creation in 1975 by the California Yoga Teachers Association. In 2016, Yoga Journal created the Live Be Yoga Tour. The aim of the tour is to send out ambassadors to shine a light…
Entrepreneurship and Evolution of Yoga: Adi Shakti
At first thought, the mix of entrepreneurship and yoga may seem like a paradox. Mixing business and yoga!? But really, when we are able to free ourselves from duality, we see that all things, including entrepreneurship and yoga are deeply connected. How incredible is it to be able to weave…
Surf Into Yoga: Rochelle Ballard
Words from Rochelle Ballard. Originally published in The Current. When I was a young girl growing up on Kauai, life was simple and pretty sweet. My biggest adversity was being caucasian, a racial minority in Hawaii. Other than feeling some insecurities and inferiority at times, I was in an environment…
Learn to Handstand. Learn to Love.
I am currently midway through the final week of the online course 6 Weeks to Handstand with Kyle Weiger. During the past few weeks I have felt new areas of my body ‘wake up’ and strengthen. I am slowly but surely seeing progress in my handstand form and shape. But…
Mastering the Business of Yoga
So much gratitude for the human connections made possible through the path of yoga! Here with catch up with Amanda Kingsmith, the founder of M.B.Om. Amanda has created a functional wonderland for business minded yogis including; a podcast, a blog, a community group, a yoga business bootcamp, and more. Learn…
Pat Bailey: Live The Life You Love
Living the life you love is a delicate balance of following your heart and dedicated work. The most inspiring humans I connect with are living this balance. Pat Bailey is one of these humans. Pat is a student and teacher of yoga, a traveler, a poet, a photographer, and an…
She Will Rise
Kelsey is the Creator of She Will Rise: a community of women who are rising from the ashes of their past into the brilliance of their future. The community offers Trauma Therapy, Group Coaching, Retreats, and a Podcast. I met Kelsey in 2010, at a very dear place to my…
Yoga Business: How to Create Location Independence and Sustainable Success
We feel extremely fortunate to know Anne and Brandon, aka The Yoga Nomads. We have been friends thru the Yoga Trade community for several years now. This inspiring couple left their successful jobs in Corporate America to follow their passions for yoga and travel. Following their hearts has allowed them…
Panama Sail Adventure: Living Yoga at Sea
Five years ago in Indonesia, on the very same trip the idea for Yoga Trade was born, I also met Captain Bryan Blaze. His sense of adventure instantly captivated me. Bryan, a seasoned sailor, was living part time in Indo and part time in Panama. In 2012, I remember him…
Love Teaching Yoga
I met Michelle Linane at the Yoga Expo in Santa Clara last summer. Her passion for yoga, business, and life is contagious. We connected right away as we both are devoted to creating more resources for the growing yoga teacher community. Michelle is the Founder of Love Teaching Yoga, a…
Healing with Iyengar Yoga
“Yoga lets us cure what need not be endured, and endure what cannot be cured,” said B.K.S. Iyengar. The great yogi, who lived to be nearly ninety-six, passed away in August of 2014. But his teachings continue to live and thrive within the Iyengar Yoga community, where teacher training is…
Living Yoga Alchemy
I met Nicolina Sandstedt in March 2016 when I was a student of hers in the Living Yoga Alchemy 3oo hour core module at Yandara Yoga Institute in Baja, Mexico. During the weeks of the program I was inspired and intrigued by her strength and softness, her extensive knowledge of…
Sustain the Flow: Doug Swenson
I had the pleasure of meeting Doug Swenson in South Lake Tahoe, California where he holds annual yoga teacher training courses. As the years pass by, I am becoming more and more inspired and intrigued by people like Doug who have dedicated their life to the path of yoga….
YogActivism: Peggy Oki
Cover Photo: Matt Dayka The Power of YogActivism As yogis we have a special responsibility to use the increased awareness and energy that can come from our practice and put it towards something positive. If we’re not careful, yoga can at times lead to a self-centered sense that it’s all…
Ayurveda: The Knowledge of Daily Living
A Story Share with Ayurveda Teacher, Sumitra Peterson I recently completed a 300 hour yoga training at Yandara, a wonderful community center in Baja, Mexico. Part of the training included choosing a 100 hour elective module, and I chose ‘Ayurveda’. I knew some basics about Ayurveda but had never fully…
Boundless Art Project
I met Alix several years ago thru mutual friends. She is one of those people that has a special charisma that beams with radiance. But just like all of us, Alix has endured thru much hardship and darkness. And it is the darkness that makes all of us who we…
Yoga Trade Membership
Connect with worldwide wellness opportunities and transformative ways to travel, work, live, and learn.