Confessions of a Yoga Trade Volunteer

The passion of Yoga Trade is to inspire and enable yogis to follow their bliss around the globe. This is the story of Patti O’Donahue, a Yoga Trade member who was able to connect to an amazing opportunity at Blue Osa Yoga Retreat +Spa. In March and April of this…

Why Work Trade Works for Me

I love Tuesday mornings. I wake up before dawn, practice a bit by candlelight, make a smoothie, pack my lunch, grab my hat, put my muddy sneakers on, and get in the truck. I arrive at Liz’s farm in the still rosy early morning light. We move the chickens to…

International Yoga Instructor-Rachel Brathen

Swedish native, Rachel Brathen is an inspiring world traveler and a successful international yoga teacher.  She was kind enough to answer some of our questions and share some beautiful insights. How has travel inspired you and your yoga? I absolutely love traveling… I live for it. My family traveled a…

Words from an Inspiring Yoga Trader

Yoga Trade is stoked to introduce you to, yoga trade member, new yoga teacher, and Sunburnt and Salty blogger, Caitlin Lawson!  She grew up in South Carolina, recently graduated college in Florida, and is now living in Puerto Rico with her boyfriend following her dream of teaching yoga and surfing. …

Welcome to Yoga Trade

Yoga is now a global phenomena – and there is room for everyone.  While steeped in rich traditions, yoga is also very much alive and adapting keenly to the needs of our modern humanity.  With this surge in interest, bountiful opportunities await to teach to every corner of the world.  Yoga…

How Not To Be A Traveling Yoga Teacher

These tips are inspired by experience and stories I’ve heard during the year I’ve spent traveling and teaching yoga. It’s a carefully honed list… [av_hr class=’invisible’ height=’50’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ custom_border=’av-border-thin’ custom_width=’50px’ custom_border_color=” custom_margin_top=’30px’ custom_margin_bottom=’30px’ icon_select=’yes’ custom_icon_color=” icon=’ue808′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-65wru5d’] 1. Be a diva. Make eccentric demands about your diet, your…

How Traveling through Yoga Trade Helped me Let Go of Being Perfect.

Imperfections. The ultimate perfection. Today, it took getting a small tattoo on the inside of my middle finger to realize how hard I strive to be “perfect”. How many minutes of my day I spend trying to be the smartest, the best, the most composed, strive for the most flawless…

Yoga Trade Membership

Connect with worldwide wellness opportunities and transformative ways to travel, work, live, and learn.

