I N T U I T I O N  101

I N T U I T I O N 101

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Join me on a 21-day journey inwards, to that place of stillness where you can access your True Self. We will spend our time together learning to listen to the whispers of our Intuition and diving deep inside to experience our most authentic selves.

When this course is finished, you will begin to be more aligned with your Higher Purpose in this life, have more courage to live your Truth and start to move more fully in the direction of your Dharmic Path.

This course includes:⁣⁣

  • Three live masterclass workshops that dive into the three centers of Intuition, working with the energetic chakra system, accessing kundalini energy, and much more (recordings included).⁣⁣

  • Daily live meditations designed to strengthen your three centers of intuition each morning (Monday-Friday)⁣⁣ (recordings included)

  • A recorded meditation journey each week to listen to, so that you can dive deeper inside.

  • Daily journal questions that help you connect with your true self / life purpose⁣⁣

  • Recipes to keep your body operating at its best ~ because nutrition has a direct tie to your intuition (more on this on the course!)⁣⁣

  • A private Facebook group, where we can all share about our experience in a safe place.

⁣⁣This course is designed to:

  • Give you tools to gain deeper access to your Intuition, and align you with your True Self.

  • Guide you in the direction of Trusting your Intuition more.

  • Harmonize and heal the 7 chakras along your spine.

  • Inspire you to ignite your inner voice and inner creativity.


TIMES: Sunday February 7 (7-9pm MST) + weekly Monday night classes and live daily 21 minute meditations Monday – Friday starting at 8am MST. The live classes will be taught on ZOOM and will all be recorded so you can do them at any time during the day!

On the evening of February 7th, there will be a 2-hour workshop where we will meditate, learn about our own personal intuitive gifts and take a deeper dive into how we can each access our personal intuition more easily. We will then spend the next 3 weeks deepening this practice within ourselves through meditation, activities and journaling.  The following Monday night classes will be one hour long.

Anyone who registers for this course, can also schedule an Intuitive Reading with me for $75 (Rate is $120), this rate is valid until June 1, 2021.

Please reach out with any questions: dn@deidrenorman.com.

COST: $200

PAYMENT: Venmo @Deidre-Norman

Deidre Norman

February 7, 2021 7:00 pm MST

February 28, 2021 7:00 pm MST

This is an online event!

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