Soul School 200 hour YTT, Reiki Certification, Herbalism Intensive.

Soul School 200 hour YTT, Reiki Certification, Herbalism Intensive.

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Reiki Healing Training

Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) is a form of hands-on healing that originated in Japan. It is a deeply relaxing experience that eases pain, tension, stress and balances the energy centres (chakras) of the body. The result is an overall sense of well-being and peace. It speeds the healing of injuries, gently realigns and detoxifies the body, and aids in the recovery from emotional trauma. Reiki healing can provide long-term relief because it heals at the source of illness, whether it is at the physical, emotional or mental level.  The word Reiki means universal life force energy.

Soul School’s energy exchange Reiki program is applicable to all levels of practice. Whether you are just beginning on your path in energy work or you’re comfortably established in your practice, our time together will bring you to new levels of connection with source. Constant in person, group work paired with dynamic visualization meditations is what sets Soul School’s Reiki program apart from the rest!

“Most people haven’t learned to make the the space or time in their lives to practice their hands on healing work. This immersive program, ensures that you are keeping up with your daily practice, but also pushes you to new levels of expansion by practicing with all levels of Reiki Healers. If you are just starting out.. you are working with Reiki Masters from day one, and if you are a Reiki Master.. you are able to fully step into your role as leader and guide throughout the program.” -Adayna Janelle, Reiki Master Teacher

Choose from Reiki Level 1, Reiki Level 2, or Level 3A Reiki Master

Things to note. You must begin at Reiki level 1 if you have never been attuned or have not attended a Reiki course in the past.

*Your tuition includes your attunement, manual & course.

In These Courses:

  • Learn how to use Reiki as a healing and personal growth system

  • Understand the history of Reiki and how it has changed over time

  • Perform Reiki sessions with the intention of addressing all areas of life

  • Learn how to visualize the locations of the meridian and chakra energy systems in the body

  • Learn guided techniques to help you access your intuition

  • Learn how to perform complete Reiki sessions on yourself and others

  • Learn and practice how to ground your energy and clear your energetic fields

  • Learn and practice how to draw protective light grids

  • Further develop spiritual gifts

Herbalism Training

Rewilding with Herbal Medicine: 

Explore the magic of plants & planets, deepen your relationship to your inner ecology, and connect to the heart of Nature. An immersive & hands-on Rewilding journey to deepen your relationship with the Earth & your own true essence.

What you will learn in this course:

-Introduction to Herbalism principles (theory & practice of herbal medicine)

-Healing through the light of Nature: connecting through the heart

-Permaculture principles in practice: living in alignment with nature 

-Introduction to Alchemy

-Hands on potion making workshop

-Introduction to Ayurveda, eating for your dosha & intuitive nutrition

-Plant spirits + flower essences: emotional, spiritual, and energetic healing with plants

-Introduction to Astrology as a tool for transformational healing

*Your tuition includes all nessacary supplies.



Study the most influential source texts to inspire a fresh perspective on life, yoga and relationships: Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra / Bhagavad Gita  /  Hatha Yoga Pradipika / and other philosophies


Safety and injury prevention, modern perspectives and alignment in motion.


Functional anatomy of yoga and the physiology of meditative states.


Sequence classes with purpose. Learn to integrate themes (movement families, philosophy, etc); adapt yoga to diverse needs.


Various practical approaches will be explored drawing from Patanjali’s Yoga and Buddhism.


Practices that can focus the mind, and calm or stimulate the nervous system to experience deep states of tranquility and awareness. These pranayama exercises are drawn from traditional texts, while modern day breathing science also offers us additional tools to practice ourselves and teach.


Language skills to balance the flow with the form; humility and strength: mental focus and acceptance; tools for putting yourself and your students at ease. Grounding and holding the seat of the teacher.


    Body purification techniques so you can properly prepare your body for asana practice and deeper levels of meditative experiences.

Soul School engages students every day for up to 10 hours in & out the classroom, merging ancient teachings of the East with Western ways of communicating. This course will require your complete dedication in understanding and studying multiple aspects of yoga practice and philosophy. The magnitude of immersion in this course will significantly alter how one perceives yoga.


Hatha, Flow, Vinyasa, Power, Gentle, Ashtanga – you’ll be able to teach them all.

  • FUNDAMENTALS OF ASHTANGA VINYASA: An intelligently structured sequence where each breath is taken with intention. Practice starts with flowing sun salutations and standing poses, and gradually progresses towards a seated postures, backbends and inversions.

  • HATHA YOGA: breathing techniques (pranayama and bandha) and philosophies of tantra yoga, moving our internal energies to more easily ground ourselves in the present moment, both on and off the mat.

This course will transform your yoga practice,
and help you find your own unique approach to teaching others.

Class begins before sunrise.

Please bring a yoga mat.

Sierra Armstrong

March 1, 2022 12:00 am

March 25, 2022 12:00 am

Our Costa Rica Soul School Edition is taking place in Punto Banco

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