Lessons from a Yoga Trade Experience:
Simplicity is one of the most underrated concepts. In these moments of simplicity, I’ve felt more whole, than ever before. These moments where life feels easy to surrender to. Maybe it’s the stars, without the city lights. Maybe it’s the people, the conversations, maybe the sunsets, the river, the rain. Possibly a combination of it all. This environment that I am unexpectedly falling so deeply in love with, is providing me a chance to shift focus. It is allowing me to better understand what is truly important. We all have 24 hours in a day, how we choose to utilize this time, is subjective. At Finca Bellavista, I spend my time doing yoga, meditating, practicing Spanish con los Ticos, journaling, reading, learning about the animals, plants, and observing everything. The simplicity in my days has provided me space to be clear with my intentions.
From the moment that I arrived to Finca Bellavista, I was immediately greeted by the music of the jungle and a sense of tranquility. My lifestyle that I have chosen the past few years, is typically on the move. With that, it is easy to get caught up on looking forward to what
adventure / destination is next. For once, I am here and present. I am not looking at what is to come, I am SIMPLY BEING. I am allowing my bare feet to touch the earth. I am allowing myself to swing, in a hammock, and not feel as though I am wasting time. I am allowing myself to be fully immersed in this experience. This opportunity, is one I will never forget. I have been in Costa Rica now for two weeks, and can’t fathom the fact that I was hesitant about taking this venture. I was only given a few days’ notice to get to Costa Rica after I had received the position via Yoga Trade. I was forced with an impulse decision to make. Either stay out West and continue to ski, or take a risk, and plunge into the unknown. It can become very overwhelming to try to figure out every small detail of the “how’s,” so I didn’t. Instead, just like I remind my students, I reminded myself; to just breathe, relax, and go with it. I often hear others tell me how lucky I am, to live this life full of adventure or work cool jobs. For me, that is not my motive. It’s all about the simple things, spreading the fundamental values that we are taught from a young age. The golden rule; treat others the way you want to be treated. Making others happy, will make you the happiest. Love. Unconditionally. The gift of love is the greatest gift we can give. Lastly, being of service, because playing small does not serve the world. I hope that approaching life with these values will move others towards their own dreams.
You can follow along with my journey on Instagram @angela__fina if you wish!