As soon as she laid herself down on her mat, her soft, warm skin awoke by the coolness of the floor which pushed through her mat into her skin. You could nearly say; the mat was giving her a hard time because she hasn’t used it in quite a while.
First; Stillness.
Breath started to flow slowly into her system.
In and out.
In and out.
In and out.
The nearly invisible hairs on her body spiked up, only through the thought of knowing she has 90 minutes to herself and no one else.
In and out.
In and out
In and out.
She started to move to her breath, awakening every dark and untouched corner of her soul. Mindfully opening her body from pain, fear, insecurities, doubts but also happiness. Gradually building strength from the ground up, feeling the burning desire to touch the roots of her feelings. Her feet, pressing thoroughly into the mat, legs engaged, sweeping her arms up on the inhale and down on the exhale. She was moving like a surfer moving to the swell and ebb of the ocean.
Her pores are opening, sweat is releasing, releasing impurities of her body. Letting go. Letting go. Letting go. Peak; Dhanurasana, bow pose.
Her heart is visible now. There is no place to hide, no lies to be told or pain to be unseen. There it is, just her and her heart. Exposed to the world like standing naked in a crowd full of people although she is all alone in a room with her mat. And what was the sensation when stars alone like bees crawled numbly over it? Her breath flows in, energizing her chest, lifting higher and higher and higher. I’m on top of the world.
Release. Her face looking down, her chest drowning into the ground. Arms are heavy, legs are still and once again she feel the coolness of the floor, pushing into her body.
Restorative movements are here. Now, the exposition of Yoga is being made.
Surrendering to forward folds and hip openers. Her body is saying yes but her mind can’t hear that yet. Only until a gentle tear is rolling down her cheek, dripping onto her mat and then, another one and another one.
Pure surrender in happening, she knows. She knows too well. Breathing into the pose.
The final call. Savasana, moving into stillness. Her breath was now the only thing that is moving. Consciously unconscious. Not manipulating the breath but being eternally watchful towards it. Belly moving;
and down
and down.
Awakening but eyes are still closed. Last prayer. Gratitude towards pain, fear, happiness and doubts. Gratitude to being alive, being right here.
The knowledge of the head bows to the wisdom of the heart.
Danae is a German/ Italian Yogi, lives on Mallorca and is a passionate Yoga teacher and Blogger, about what she does best: The Art of Food, Fashion, Travel and Health. She inspires her readers toward a healthy and fulfilled lifestyle.