Movement, Evolution and the Unveiling of Dharma

When I first stepped up to the mat upon my mother’s request five years ago, I never ever expected my life to drastically change the way it did. That room full of 30 women and no men, scared the hell out of me, but with my mother by my side I fought with my body for the next 90 minutes until my ego was battered and bruised, until finally Savasana came and saved my soul. For the first time in my 18 years of existence I started to breathe, and with that the first stillness I had ever really experienced washed over me, I was both fascinated and hooked. It took me 3 years of practice to understand how much of an impact yoga was having on my evolution. My whole perspective upon existence was both simplified and enhanced by the healing yoga brought me, my Dharma began to be unveiled. Every time I lived outside my truth it brought me friction whereas when I was openly expressing and enjoying my expression, my life would flow freely and synchronicities would be more frequent. Yoga continues to ripen my existence and has unveiled purpose within my life. It has re-gifted me my profound connection with nature, not to mention to my higher self. Best of all, I have unveiled that my duty here is to share this beautiful tool of consciousness with the world.


Fast forward five years and I am living in Guatemala, teaching my own open air yoga class in the mountains above Antigua. Yoga has helped me in the manifestation of a living paradise both internally and externally. It has taken me from the deepest depths of my consciousness to the most spiritually saturated pockets of India. The reason I feel so drawn to helping people find the true essence of the path of yoga is that it gifts me the opportunity to change people’s lives and helps in adding rungs to the ladder of a positive evolution. I praise people encouraging any sort of movement and connection with the human body out there in the world, as I believe they are going to be the pioneers of the new world.

Quantum physics theorizes that your external world is a projection of your inner world. This means that when we look at things collectively, the world is a reflection of the majority’s state of consciousness and to me that signifies an immense amount of suffering eminent within the human race. That means that every time I get the opportunity to connect somebody to themselves or something higher during a yoga practice, I do it as though the survival of the planet depends on it. If we humans continue our fascination with external sensory stimuli and the over-indulgence in the Muladhara chakra our future looks bleak. That is why being able to give someone tools for the cultivation of peace and the alleviation of suffering within themselves is so incredibly satisfying for the soul not to mention crucial for our evolution.


I am quite new to teaching, having graduated Yoga school in early 2015, yet already I am beginning to look at yoga from a new perspective. I now see yoga as a stepping stone onto the path back to the unconditioned self, call it a tool for awakening. I am able to lift my head and peer beyond the structured and sometimes monotonous western Asana practice, shifting my focus more to the emphasis of movement as a whole. Bringing the deeply suppressed primitive energy into expression and converting darkness into light. I am looking to bring yoga out of the studio and into the world. This is why I feel such gratitude and burning Tapas towards the Yoga project here in Antigua. Practicing up on the mountain amid the clouds, active volcanoes, and old growth forests offers me something more than a regular structured studio practice. We are able to offer our energy straight back into nature for interconversion, we establish an entheogenic bond with the earth that just cannot be felt within anything other than nature. My Dharma is to assist in humanities cohesion with nature and I feel like more and more people are being called forward for this duty.

This is one of the most exciting times in history to have incarnated onto the earthly plain, and those being called forward to assist with the reconnection of man with himself and nature have a vital role to play in our evolution as a species. I thank everybody doing the work both on themselves and within the world from the bottom of my heart. May the path of Yoga guide us forward and shine light upon your Dharma. I implore you to begin practicing in Nature and to assist in breaking down the barriers of segregation between what is fundamentally movement. We all have our divine path awaiting us and I have Yoga to thank for unveiling mine. Keep moving, breathing, and connecting on all planes of existence.

Om Namah Shivaya





Lewis is a Travelling Yogi and Entrepreneur from the Margaret River region of Western Australia. He teaches an organic infusion of Hatha Flow and Power Vinyasa at the Hobbitenango Community in Antigua, Guatemala.

Find him on FACEBOOK ~ or Email ~ [email protected]

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