Nourish your soul and tend the land. Find harmony and sustainability within your community. Bonnie Norton is the Operations Director at the Mystical Yoga Farm in Guatemala. Here she fills us in on the innovative projects and sustainable programs they offer at this magical learning and growing center.  

Tell us about the “sustainable living” at the Mystical Yoga Farm…

We are proud to be an education center for sustainable living. We like to take time with our decisions, in order to support the long term well being myf5of the land, the community and the growing retreat center. Currently you can come and learn about compost toilets, solar power energy, grey water systems, grey water urinals, permaculture structures, on-site food gardens, re-purposed building materials as well as sourcing staff from the local community. Each day we strive hard to live within the means of our lush piece of Mayan land to ensure that our lifestyle here at the farm protects people, present and future and most importantly, our planet.

What projects are you involved with to help the local community?

We are so fortunate to have worked on many community projects. We work with Seed Bank, helping Guatemala maintain food security by keeping native seeds alive. The village nearest to our farm is Chacaya, where we’re always trying to manifest higher life quality for everyone. One of the programs there is called Chacaya School Projects, with topics such as english, health, nutrition, yoga, sustainability and education. Furthermore we’re supporting Local Farmer Training, which teaches traditional and sustainable farming techniques to ensure local food sustainability. Also, we are working to grow our Child Education Program, where we organize to send a child to school for $50 a year as well as Comida Vida, about nutrition education for women and families. We also cooperate closely with Justa, a holistic network that connects indigenous artisans, global designers, and sustainable projects.

Do you offer work exchange or volunteer opportunities?

The Mystical Yoga Farm thrives as a place of learning, growth and transformation. We do provide work exchange opportunities at the farm – our goal is to allow you to dive deep into your spiritual practice whilst living and learning in a supportive and inspiring community. We have myf2our Spiritual Alchemist Work/Trade Program for the duration of 21 days, offering an unique opportunity to bring your practice off the mat and into the work we do,  whilst engaging on a transformational journey through the Shamanistic Medicine Wheel. We provide a platform and tools to transform anything that no longer serves you. We also offer Tribal Leader staff positions, with a minimum 3 month commitment in exchange for direct trade. The staff form a community and work together to deliver results in many areas on the farm; Land Development, Permaculture Gardening, Sustainable Food, Ayani Harmony and Divine Art. Besides that we have many other staff positions and conscious exchange opportunities available. We are always striving to accommodate personalized work trade opportunities for the right situations.

Your Mystical Shamanism programs are quite unique, can you tell us more about them?

The Mystical Yoga Farm is the home for the School Yoga Institute. SYI offers Yoga Teacher Trainings 9 times a year at MYF as well as all over the world. The 200 hour level trainings are unique as we offer a transformational process guided through the Medicine Wheel, shedding our physical myf3attachments in the cycle of the Serpent, facing our inner darkness and conditioning during the cycle of the Jaguar, finding joy and bliss through understanding our calling in this life with the Hummingbird and lastly flying with perspective and strength in the cycle of the Eagle. The powerful process is guided by incredible facilitators, and supported through a group of souls called together at that time. We stay close to Mother Earth as we unfold and explore the cosmic unknown, reveal our own soul’s journey and manifest the beauty in life. This program is for those who wish to dive deeper into the healing gifts of Shamanism, Mysticism and Yoga.



To learn more about the soul of this learning center and to find out more about the volunteer opportunities and programs they offer, visit:

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