off the mat
How Fear Can Open New Doors
What is fear, how can we define it? Or, let’s ask this: Why do we fear? From what, when, and how do we fear and how can it open new doors? Fear: Noun: an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm. Verb: being afraid of (someone…
What Does it Mean to Heal?
Heal the mind, body, and soul, yes, we’ve all heard that before. And if you’ve ever experienced heart ache, disease, or depression you know first-hand how impossible and nagging those words can sound. What do these words even mean? Is this a concept? Or could it be a process? There…
Meditation As A Lifesaver
It was the day before my birthday (May 21st, 2019) and I decided to celebrate at Shipwreck Beach on Kaua’i. I didn’t expect to go cliff diving that day, but it ended up happening and meditation practices saved me. I remember looking at the cliff and saying to myself, “That…
Regenerative Practice: Pixie Lighthorse
Nature knows best. As we observe the natural world as being regenerative, we begin to realize that it is essential for us to mimic this mindfulness into our own daily existence. It can be easy to become repetitive and ‘mono-culture’ like in our yoga practice and other daily doings. This…
Off the Mat – Activated after Bhakti Fest
It was one of my very first yoga classes that my teacher spoke about practicing yoga “off the mat.” I initially came to yoga to get in shape, lose some weight, and start a new exercise routine, with no intentions to get in touch with myself or find any sort…
This Little Light ‘o Mine: Reflections for When the Path Grows Dim
I have been awash with jealousy. It is not a thing I am eager to admit. I met her when we were both newish teachers, a year into the game, about 5 years back. We solidified our bond when we both had babies in our bellies. Both our firsts. Both…
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