Getting Real About Resilience
This article was first published on the Vira Bhava Yoga blog HERE. The opportunity to practice resilience came to me, as grace often descends, through the offering of direct experience. In June, I was offered a monumental test of my own resilience. My father was diagnosed with end stage lung…
What Does it Mean to Heal?
Heal the mind, body, and soul, yes, we’ve all heard that before. And if you’ve ever experienced heart ache, disease, or depression you know first-hand how impossible and nagging those words can sound. What do these words even mean? Is this a concept? Or could it be a process? There…
The End of the Road
Coming face to face with your insecurities, fears and anxieties isn’t something you expect to do the minute you land in paradise. My husband and I recently accepted jobs in a place that is so remote, it is quite literally at the end of the road. Cambutal is a small…
Return To Center
Amidst a time of great change, it becomes easy to find yourself feeling lost. We have all been there. If not, you most likely will be at one time or another. But don’t worry or fear, for this is all but a part of the process. You know the saying…
You Are Ready Now
“If not now, when?” This is a question that has stayed with me ever since my 200-hour teacher training back in 2013. When I was applying for the training I remember experiencing constant flashes of doubt and fear. I had only been practicing yoga for a few years and I…
Yoga Work Exchange in Panama
How Did I Get Here? The Unexpected Fruits I Found After Giving Up the Reins A Yoga Work Exchange Story [av_hr class=’invisible’ height=’50’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ custom_border=’av-border-thin’ custom_width=’50px’ custom_border_color=” custom_margin_top=’30px’ custom_margin_bottom=’30px’ icon_select=’yes’ custom_icon_color=” icon=’ue808′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-4zpaeq9′] It was my last night at Palmar Tent Lodge and the sky was painted with…
Where is Your Energy Going?
We have 24 hours a day to accomplish all our tasks, tend to our needs, interact with others, AND stop and smell the roses–if we’re lucky. Generally, in this part of the developed world the most dedicated and drained multitaskers and workaholics are practically given medals by their superiors, friends…
Lessons from a Teacher & Student
I’ve loved yoga since I was 13, when my dad let me borrow his yoga postures handbook from the 70’s. I fell more deeply in love with the practice over the past couple of years and when I came to the realization that I wanted to teach yoga, I…
How Traveling through Yoga Trade Helped me Let Go of Being Perfect.
Imperfections. The ultimate perfection. Today, it took getting a small tattoo on the inside of my middle finger to realize how hard I strive to be “perfect”. How many minutes of my day I spend trying to be the smartest, the best, the most composed, strive for the most flawless…
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