Finding Salvation in the Storm
The following is the story of my journey from a life plagued by burnout, addiction, depression and anxiety into a life of self-healing and finding salvation through yoga and a plant based diet. I moved to Oakland to attend a graduate school program that would prepare me to be a…
Access Your Highest Potential!
[av_hr class=’invisible’ height=’50’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ custom_border=’av-border-thin’ custom_width=’50px’ custom_border_color=” custom_margin_top=’30px’ custom_margin_bottom=’30px’ icon_select=’yes’ custom_icon_color=” icon=’ue808′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-8wb9vi7′] Inspired by World-Renowned Life Coach Trainer, Anna Suil Anna Suil is a true master of how to live a vibrant, joyful and balanced life. I began training with her for purposes of personal-development, but have…
You Are Ready Now
“If not now, when?” This is a question that has stayed with me ever since my 200-hour teacher training back in 2013. When I was applying for the training I remember experiencing constant flashes of doubt and fear. I had only been practicing yoga for a few years and I…
From Here To There: A Willingness To Transform
My life in Costa Rica is magical and unique and one that even I could never could have imagined I’d be living. I receive a lot of questions about how I ended up where I am… How a life evolves isn’t always apparent; how do we go from point A…
Trust Your Process
After a pretty sleepy December we’ve finally started to see some solid surf strolling through this little corner of Rincon, Puerto Rico. Tres Palmas woke up, and from the 413 just above the cow fields people stopped their cars and whipped out their iPhones to take witness of the beautiful,…
Transformation, Butterflies, and My Little Red Car
Lately I think very clearly in my car. I didn’t use to have one. Now it is my transporter, my little tortoise house, my red metallic companion. Filled with sand from the beach, three pair of shoes, a few yoga mats, a towel, a bikini, and an old ABBA tape…
Inner Beauty
This inspired reading is a repost from the Mindfulness Blog of Josh Blatter. He is currently traveling in India and so kind to share his stories. The original post can be found here: Inner Peace and Liberation Vipassana meditation is a technique in the Buddhist tradition of seeing things…
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