yoga teachers
Wellness Work Trade Hidden Gems
Where to teach yoga, connect with wellness work, learn, and grow in 2025! This year feels different. I write as sand tickles my feet, waves crash behind me, and the warm, salty breeze glazes my skin. I’m back in my happy place. Well, not everything is different. I reminisce on…
Find the Best Yoga Teachers and Wellness Staff
Energy flows where focus goes Quality staff breathe life into a space. The physical environment, aesthetic and location set the foundation, while people elicit the feeling. Yoga Trade supports retreats, businesses, and spaces of many kinds who are searching for wellness staff. Connect with the best yoga instructors and wellness…
A Conscious Approach to Yoga Travel: Moksha Yoga Amazonica
To many, the concept of yoga travel involves a week-long retreat or wellness vacation at a beautiful and tranquil resort with daily classes and healthy foods. While a seven day reset may be all some are looking for, what if the mainstream idea of yoga travel became reimagined to a…
Creativity in the Yoga Industry and 15 Innovative Job Possibilities for Instructors
When addressing creativity and innovation within the yoga industry, we are talking about making the practice increasingly accessible and relevant to a variety of people in different situations and places. Some of these places may seem unlikely, but that’s exactly what creativity is about: thinking outside the box and opening…
California Dream: How to Become a Yoga Instructor in “The Golden State”
We’re excited to share with you a guide to a destination so beloved by the yoga world: California. It sounds like a dream, right? Becoming a yoga instructor in California could be the key to unlocking this extraordinary reality and making your yoga journey even more inspiring. This blog post…
Become Your Dream: Ava Taylor
Ava Taylor is the Founder and Chief Catalyst of YAMA Talent and the GM of Bodynova North America. She is a dedicated yogi, and a tenacious + creative entrepreneur with her finger on the pulse of the rapidly expanding yoga industry. Ava is well-connected, in the ‘right place at the right time,’…
Authenticity in Yoga Teaching
Before starting to talk about authenticity in teaching yoga, let’s look first at what is personal authenticity? Authentic, that is something genuine… Authenticity; being real, being true to yourself… “Be yourself, everyone else is taken.” ~Oscar Wilde The root of the word “authenticity” in Latin language is “author”, so being…
Buena Vibra GIVEAWAY!
***UPDATE December 18, 2019: Big congrats to the winner of this giveaway: @lucia088 !!! Thank you to all who entered and all those who support this flourishing community. Much love! We are excited to announce the Buena Vibra GIVEAWAY! Thanks to each and every one of you for helping make our community…
Yoga Journal: Live Be Yoga Tour
Just as Yoga continues to evolve itself, Yoga Journal has surely come a long way since it’s creation in 1975 by the California Yoga Teachers Association. In 2016, Yoga Journal created the Live Be Yoga Tour. The aim of the tour is to send out ambassadors to shine a light…
Entrepreneurship and Evolution of Yoga: Adi Shakti
At first thought, the mix of entrepreneurship and yoga may seem like a paradox. Mixing business and yoga!? But really, when we are able to free ourselves from duality, we see that all things, including entrepreneurship and yoga are deeply connected. How incredible is it to be able to weave…
10 Insights From the One Who Thought They’d Never Teach Yoga
I remember very vividly, standing on the beach with a couple of my girlfriends about to go surf. It was one of those complete cloud-free sunny mornings. Far off, the waves broke over the reef. “It looks okay, but I’m so tired and sore,” one friend complained. “I still have…
Diving In: The Yoga Trade Journey
I am not certain who introduced me to Yoga Trade, although I wish I knew so I could write them a thank you letter. It was shortly after my first 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Montezuma, Costa Rica at Anamaya Resort. “OMG…a website filled with yoga teaching jobs all…
Evolutionary & Educational Yoga Experiences 2019
At Yoga Trade, we love learning! We believe that one of the most important pillars for yoga teachers is to embrace the seat of the student as well as the teacher. Continuing Education enables us to learn, grow, and tends the inner fire! Check out these recommended educational yoga experiences…
Deep Ecology of Wellness GIVEAWAY!
***UPDATE*** Today is December 18th, 2018 and we have picked the winner at random. Big CONGRATULATIONS to Yoga Trade member @bevinking !!! YOU WON! See you in the jungle! Big thanks to all who participated! A few more days to sign up with our earlybird pricing. Use the discount code AMIGOS…
Wanderlust: Inspiration for Yoga Teachers
One of the worlds largest yoga and lifestyle gatherings returns to the Lake Tahoe area July 19-22, 2018! Wanderlust Squaw Valley is a high-vibe place to unite with the international yoga community through asana and meditation classes, personal growth workshops, music, and outdoor adventure. It is important as a yoga…
Mastering the Business of Yoga
So much gratitude for the human connections made possible through the path of yoga! Here with catch up with Amanda Kingsmith, the founder of M.B.Om. Amanda has created a functional wonderland for business minded yogis including; a podcast, a blog, a community group, a yoga business bootcamp, and more. Learn…
How Every Yoga Teacher Can Benefit From a Permaculture Design Course
As a student and teacher of yoga, I am consistently called to continuing education. This January, I completed a Permaculture Design Course at Punta Mona: A Center for Regenerative Design and Botanical Studies. It is situated in a unique and remote location where the rainforest meets the Caribbean sea in…
Yoga Scholarship Giveaway
***UPDATE, January 5, 2018*** Thank you ALL so much for participating and sharing your yoga and wellness trades around the world. We have picked the winner at random today and the lucky human is….. Chantal Ashley @chantalashley Congratulations Chantal!!! You have won a $1,200 Scholarship to continue your education at…
How Yoga Travel Humbles The Control Freak
By the grace of the universe I found yoga at fourteen years old, and since then I have held on to it for dear life to remind myself to loosen my grip a little bit, to breathe, to recognize that I am being held, to trust in the beat of…
Pat Bailey: Live The Life You Love
Living the life you love is a delicate balance of following your heart and dedicated work. The most inspiring humans I connect with are living this balance. Pat Bailey is one of these humans. Pat is a student and teacher of yoga, a traveler, a poet, a photographer, and an…
Yoga Business: How to Create Location Independence and Sustainable Success
We feel extremely fortunate to know Anne and Brandon, aka The Yoga Nomads. We have been friends thru the Yoga Trade community for several years now. This inspiring couple left their successful jobs in Corporate America to follow their passions for yoga and travel. Following their hearts has allowed them…
Yoga Trade Membership
Connect with worldwide wellness opportunities and transformative ways to travel, work, live, and learn.