Testimonials //

Lauren Lee

Yoga Trade is more than an online platform — it is a consciously created online community that transforms lives through self-development with intentional travel within the world of holistic health!

Yoga Trade is like a spider web that connects, weaves and opens doorways for everyone involved creating a new paradigm of living where sustainability and balanced exchanges from the heart are made possible. 

I’m honored to be a part of YT and love seeing the continual evolution as they impact the world on a global level, while remaining true to their roots and values.  

– Lauren Lee, E-RYT 500, Anusara Certified // @laurenlee.yoga

Brandon Spratt

Yoga Trade has been extremely supportive for the global yoga community as a reliable resource to find yoga related jobs and opportunities.

After traveling around the world for quite some time as a nomadic yoga teacher, I landed back in L.A. at my Dad’s house pondering what was next for me. I went to check Yoga Trade’s website to see what was available. I was eager and hopeful to find something that would align me with my passion and purpose. Then, I saw a job with Yoga Journal Magazine to be a Tour Ambassador for their Live Be Yoga Tour! I immediately applied for it. It wasn’t too long thereafter that I got a response, completed more of the interview process and landed the gig! It has been a highlight of my yoga career thus far and I am so grateful to Yoga Trade for being the link to finding this opportunity to expand.

The worldwide wellness community is blossoming. People are waking up and are more curious about the healing process, ancient wisdom, alternative and holistic approaches to well-being. Because of this fact, we need more companies like Yoga Trade who are committed to being a leader in the wellness space. We live in a time where we need people to rise up and work together in order to continue to shift the global consciousness of this planet. It’s been my experience that Yoga Trade is a part of this forward inertia and momentum.

-Brandon Spratt, Intuitive Energy Healer, Yoga and Meditation Teacher // @brandonspratt 

Stephen Brooks

Yoga Trade Has always been such a blessing for us here at Punta Mona!

They are such a pleasure to deal with and the quality of people they have sent us is always top notch!   

We are skeptical to receive work trades and volunteers but with Yoga Trade the most incredible people always show up!

– Stephen Brooks, Permaculture Educator and Intentional Community Designer // @stephenrbrooks

Chris Fox

Yoga Trade is a great platform for yoga teachers to take a big step out into the world to explore teaching opportunities that can take you to exotic places, and at the same time deep within as we experience local culture and connection with traveling students! This is such a valuable experience!

For me personally I have connected with creative and artistic professionals through Yoga Trade with photoshoots and interviews, and connected with teachers who have Yoga Trade as their base for traveling, and teaching in different parts of the world.

Yoga Trade has many benefits for the global yoga community, and I think the main thing is how our wanderlust can be explored and expressed through the world wide playground and teaching opportunities that we are granted!

 – Chris Fox, 500h RYT & Mobility Specialist // @thisischrisfox

Mary Tilson

Yoga Trade has opened up my mind to the infinite possibilities for creating a career living and teaching yoga. The community of teachers offer an endless source of inspiration with creative ways to blend yoga & meditation, travel, bodywork, nutrition, philanthropy, digital media, art, music, education and more to serve the global community.

With help of the Yoga Trade, I’ve connected with and hired incredible Yoga Teachers for retreat centers and resorts and recruited volunteers for service projects. I’ve also been able to share personal insights from my experiences on the Yoga Trade blog and offer a Mentorship program which is designed to empower new teachers with the tools to create a sustainable career as a traveling yoga teacher and retreat leader. I’m infinitely grateful for a YT Blog Post by Founder Erica Hartnick, which led me to Yandara Yoga Institute where I completed my 300-Hr Yoga Teacher Training and Life Coaching Course, a pivotal  step in my journey where I not only was able to deepen my practice and hone my skills as a yoga teacher, but also met a best friend and business partner who I now partner with on retreats. Most recently, I had the great honor of teaching on the Deep Ecology of Wellness Conference, where I shared about Yoga for Sustainable Addiction & Trauma Recovery, and gained so much valuable wisdom from the other presenters.

In my experience, choosing to live an alternative lifestyle as a traveling yoga teacher, despite all of the benefits of fulfilling my passion, has also led me to moments of self-doubt and fear about what the future holds. Having a support network of friends, mentors and teachers to connect with, uplift me and truly understand all of the highs and lows has been an essential part of the growth process and made the journey that much more rewarding! 

– Mary Tilson,  Retreat Leader and Travel Designer // @marytilson

Jesse Barlow

Being able to plug into and be a part of a Yoga Trade’s global community allows me to do what I love doing for a living while meeting interesting and unique people.  

I found my first “Travelling Yoga Teacher” job on Yoga Trade 5 years ago and have been a part of the family ever since.   Since then I’ve had the opportunity to teach in Morocco, India, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Thailand and have now landed in Sri Lanka – all thanks to the relationships facilitated by Yoga Trade.

Traveling and teaching has given me the opportunity to explore the diversity and richness of the yoga and wellness community world wide.

Being inspired by and learning from the stories of other Teachers, students and cultures has also helped me grow my teaching, my personal practice and evolve as human.  

The most beautiful part of my experience as a part of the Yoga Trade Community has been the lasting friendships that occur naturally off the mat; at the breakfast table during a week long retreat or over a smoothie between sessions or with family who owns the curry spot around the corner. I never remember who’s down-dog was in the correct alignment or who could hold their handstand the longest – I do remember laughter, smiles and the simple shared moments that magically happen when humans get together and share their stories.

 – Jesse Barlow, Longtime Yogi & Program Coordinator // @jesse_barlow79

Andrew Singer

Yoga Trade has provided us with a unique platform to connect with yoga teachers from around the world – there really is nothing else like it out there!

We have consistently received high quality applications from teachers with all kinds of skill sets, who have helped us grow our community in many new directions. I am also a big fan of the new direction that Yoga Trade is taking in sharing inspirational stories and events to get involved in.The website is well-designed, intuitive, easy to use and the team very responsive whenever I have had any difficulties. A huge thanks to the Yoga Trade team for all the hard work they do bringing yogis together!

– Andrew Singer, Yoga Internships, Colombia // @yogainternships

Martyna Tetera

Yoga Trade is an authentic platform that unites yoga teachers, students, studio and retreat owners around the world. It helped me to make the transition from a ‘normal’ full-time office job to an extraordinary full-time job as a yoga teacher in so many amazing locations!

Not only this, it continues to inspire me with so many job possibilities every day and encourages me to continue following my heart. I am so grateful to be part of this beautiful community.

Martyna Tetera, Yoga and Meditation Teacher // @martynatetera
