Why All Traveling Yoga Teachers Need A Website

Becoming a traveling yoga teacher is more accessible than ever before due to resources like the internet and you know, Yoga Trade.

However, there are also way more “traveling yoga teachers” competing for the same opportunities. The “better” the gig, the more competition there is.

How can you stand out?

The most effective way to stand out from the crowd and land your perfect gig abroad – is to create your own website!

Having your own website is the foundation of becoming a successful traveling yoga teacher.

It will not only help you secure great teaching jobs, it will help you build your brand, increase your income, and attract more students wherever you are in the world.

In today’s technology driven world, anyone has the resources to build a website – even you!

So, before you even go there with “not being tech savvy enough” or “not having enough money…”

Websites don’t have to cost you an arm and a leg to get up and running. For real! With platforms like WordPress.org, you can create a beautiful yoga website for as little as $15/month!

And take it from me, the non-tech savvy girl… WordPress makes it super simple to build your own website. However, it does require some patience, an open weekend, and a few cups of tea.

Before I share why traveling yoga teachers need a website, I encourage you to download our FREE Beginners Guide to Creating a Yoga Website you Love (7 Steps). In this beginners guide we’ll walk you through the 7 steps required to create your own yoga website. It’s 100% free. No tech skills required.

Alright here we go, time to share the top 3 reasons why every traveling yoga teacher needs a website.

1) Secure more higher quality teaching gigs

When you become a traveling yoga teacher, getting that first job abroad is as nerve-racking as it is exhilarating! Hitting submit on the application process always leaves me a bit anxious.

Unfortunately, you’re not the only applicant waiting to hear back. With the popularity of traveling and teaching yoga, securing a job is becoming more competitive. Yoga teachers need a way to stand out from the crowd.

Creating your own yoga website will set you apart and play a massive role in securing more and even better yoga jobs abroad.

“These days, it goes a long way to have a solid online presence. Making a website or a resume landing page with great photos and savvy writing can help a lot.”
Erica, Co-founder of yogatrade.com

When teaching abroad, it’s common not to meet your future employer until you arrive on your first day.

Having a website gives them a chance to see more of who you are and what you’re about.

Your website shows that you’re a committed professional who has the ability to attract more students to whatever studio you’re teaching at. (The studio hiring you cares about this tremendously).

Your website is also your resume – it showcases your teaching experience and credentials, but it also goes a step deeper by showcasing your personal style/brand.

With your own yoga website, your readers are able to get a sense of who you are through the images and content you personally curated to display. This distinguishes you from the rest of yogis applying for the same job.

Bonus: Your website gives you an outlet to share your travels and stories with everyone along the way!


2) Connect with yogis worldwide

Connection makes the world go ‘round!

The yogiverse is expanding all over our beautiful planet creating new opportunities to share your gifts with the people who will appreciate them most.

In our digital age, having your own website helps you make connections around the world that would otherwise be impossible. This means more customers, more business partners, and more friends.

How your website can help secure more clients (3 steps):

  1. Get clear on who you’re meant to serve – what is your unique niche/style/brand?
  2. Showcase the “real you” on your website
  3. Your ideal clients can find YOU online by searching your niche (ex: “yoga for surfers”)

Once your ideal clients start finding you, you can build a solid relationship through social media and your email newsletter.

Oh and not to mention, your website is an incredible networking tool!

Your website builds your credibility and shows that you take your yoga business seriously. You can more easily reach out to peers who have similar passions.

By serving a similar community, you have a great excuse to connect with your peers. You can share tips, discuss your challenges, and maybe even work together!

Now that you have a website, you’re “in the game” and there are many ways to collaborate with other website owners.

Also, having your own website allows you start connecting with people that are “out of your league.” Instead of reaching out “blind” – you have a reason to connect AND you can provide them something of value, such as featuring them on your website.  

3) Make some extra cash!

It can be challenging to earn a solid income on the road. Wouldn’t it be great to start earning a little income from your website while traveling?

After creating your website, you can start exploring different ways to “monetize your site.”

Just so we’re clear, just because you have a website doesn’t mean you’ll immediately start earning the big bucks. Creating a sustainable income online requires a consistent effort over time.

In 2014, my partner (Brandon) and I spent the year traveling and teaching yoga throughout Asia. Towards the end of that first year, we started earning enough from TheYogaNomads.com in order to pay for our travels. Whoa. I didn’t think that was possible!

Here are a few ways your website can start earning an income right away:

  1. a) Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate marketing is when you help market another person’s product, for example: your favorite traveling yoga mat. If one of your readers ends up buying the product/service you recommend, then you get a commission (at no extra cost to the person buying it). To get started, I recommend signing up for Amazon’s affiliate program and writing about your favorite yoga gear such as “your favorite traveling yoga mat.”
  2. b) Freelancing. You can get paid to write article for other online publications. Your website acts as an online resume for your previous work which will help you secure more (and higher paid) freelancing gigs. If you have other skills such as social media marketing or web design, you can also leverage your website to secure new clients.
  3. c) Market your own offering. Your website is your 24/7 marketing machine for any product or service you offer. You can share your offerings on your site and even accept payments (social media can’t do that). Products and services to consider: online yoga classes, online courses, yoga products, workshops, retreats, etc.

Let’s wrap up…

If you’re looking to make a successful career being a traveling yoga teacher, having a website is the foundation to your success!


Your website helps you secure teaching gigs abroad, network with students/peers, and monetize your website so you’re earning an income while traveling!


Before you go, be sure to grab our Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Yoga Website. 100% free.


Download this beginners guide to see what it takes to create your own website. It’s easier and (cheaper) than you might think. Join over 3,000+ yoga teachers committed to building a fulfilling business (and life).


Cheers to your success!



Anne is a Co-founder of TheYogaNomads.com and CreateBeautifulYogaWebsites.com – online communities dedicated to helping yoga teachers build profitable and sustainable careers. She’s originally from Minneapolis, but spends half the year teaching yoga abroad in places like Costa Rica and Bali. Download our FREE Beginners Guide: How to Create a Yoga Website you LOVE (7 steps).  



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