So, You Want To Make A DIFFERNENCE??
First of all, you are alive; accept it.
The absolute most important thing is to know is yourself.
Love yourself as a creation of supreme existence. Cherish and Love yourself and YOUR LIFE. It is a gift that you chose and are choosing to accept.
Live it.
Let change move you into higher grounds, and allow others to change.
Number two, some suggestions:
Quit smoking FOR THE AIR, let your body benefit.
Never buy paper towels again FOR THE TREES. Use a towel. Or save and use your napkins that are otherwise getting tossed.
FOR THE OCEAN: Everything you touch that is plastic, THINK about whether you need that thing. Can you live with out it? If so, then you don’t need it!
that includes:
-Your daily starbucks coffee drink (bring your own cup)
-To go salads (make your own)
-The straw from lunch (just let your server know that you don’t use straws when you sit down)
-Plastic containers of detergent (you can buy powdered detergent in a cardboard box), etc, etc.
Take a shower every other day, or at least take short showers — your body cleans itself naturally. Use essential oils like a victorian princess.
Make your own cleaning and beauty supplies:
Walk or ride a bike whenever you can — your transit might be the best part of your day and a beautiful way to spend time with yourself.
Eat wisely, you are what you eat. Consider and respect the animal on your plate. Consider and respect the extra box of organic spinach grown hydroponically and transported across three states. Consider and respect the tomatoes from your neighbor, from the hand of an immigrant farm worker, from a can. Consider your organic, processed health bar you bought on sale. Consider eating whole foods and growing your own.
And how about new clothes? It is not unlikely that you never need to buy another article of clothing ever again, considering you can live naked from the moment you were conceived until your last breath.
The truth is we are not far removed from anything; not from the Great Depression Era that only a few generations ago forced every single individual in the U.S. to conserve and save everything, food, water, clothes, paper, and everything was a commodity, nothing was wasted. Ask your Grandma.
Nor are we removed from the indigenous peoples world wide that live traditionally to this day.
We are not far removed from the hunger, the happiness, the hate, the humanity.
Wether you choose to see it or not, we live with thousands of individuals and families who live on the streets, scraping their lives together;
and maybe in the past that was even you —
maybe it will be you in the future…
You are not separate from the animals.
You are not separate from the grasses, cactus, fruit trees.
You are not separate from the war, from the tsunami.
Know this and grow with it. Feel it.
Sulking gets us no where. LOVE MOVES.
Let the shadow push you to the light.
Connect with others in GENUINE experiences. You are your greatest judge. Release from your culture and live through your heart.
Your heart is the culture of all beings. Open it. Relax and breathe into it.
I like to imagine the powerful energy field around my heart and visualize it connecting with people, even when I’m in a conversation with someone that I don’t agree with, even when I see or hear politicians that I don’t agree with, with my family members, with hate, with pain, because love is more powerful.
Open your heart to spread the connective energy. The planet needs it now.
The first, the last, the only step to make the REAL difference in the world today, in your friend group, in your family is to OPEN YOUR HEART TO YOURSELF.
You don’t need to read a book, or take a class, or fight, or even think about a thing; you must look within. This is the absolute most important thing that has ever existed in yours or anybody’s life.
Make a difference and:
“Know Thyself”
Abigail Tirabassi: writer, dreamer, believer, artist, ocean lover, finding joy daily.
IG: @scrambby