Create Opportunity: Build Community

If life is about finding balance, then owning a yoga business is surely a fantastic test of your mind, body and spirit. We know what it’s like to try and find symmetry in a grounded yoga practice, creating a space of awareness, while still striving for a business that is…

Mental Benefits of Public Transit

Having your own car can be liberating. You get to go where you want, when you want, listen to whatever floats your boat and explore without limitation. As I’ve learned, however, when we swap our personal vehicles for public transit we can experience a whole new world of freedom. I…

Chasing Waterfalls (and the lessons learned)

I had the best intentions before setting off on a 2 month journey to Costa Rica. I wanted to explore a new place, meet new people, hone in on my yoga practice, maybe learn to surf, get a smoking hot body (from all the yoga and surfing) and play with…

Basics of Breath

“Go to your breath.” “Focus on your breathing.” These are two of the most common phrases any student will hear during a yoga class, but what does it mean? For many yogis of all levels, this is sometimes the most confusing, the hardest, and elusive part of the practice. One…

Teaching yoga to kids, make it fun, but still spreading the essential!

Teaching to kids was not something I used to do often in my past but my current position of teacher in a primary school in Thailand permits me to have a weekly yoga club with some of the students. How many of them? just between 30 and 40 Woooow, you…

5 Tips to planning a great retreat

Planning is always a process, that you get better with time. In some cases lots of time. Why do I do it? For me I get a warm feeling when I am able to organize and create excels filled with various information, checklists, budget sheets, itineraries and seeing all these…

6 Tips to Starting a Home Yoga Practice

When you’re brand new to yoga, the idea of starting on your own can seem difficult, or even impossible. I find that there is a common misconception about the practice of yoga. Many people who have never done yoga either think that yoga is simply “just stretching”, or they think…

5 Effective Ways To Stay Fit & Warm In Winters With Yoga

They say a new year is for new beginnings. Just like every resolution, one of the most common ones is that everyone wants to be fit. It’s 2020 and this winter, you will need to stay motivated if you are serious about your fitness journey. Winters can be a pain,…


These are not my words. This is not my life. No These are all of our words. This is all of our lives. And there is no looking back All we can do is move on. No We can’t move. Whether sheltering in privilege or living in hell, The greatest…

The space between effort & ease

My yoga practice has evolved into lifestyle for me both on & off the mat. It brings me a sense of solace inward, reflecting outward. My mission is to help others differentiate the space between effort & ease both in asana practice & applied to every day life, especially during…

Is Transcendental Meditation (TM Meditation) really effective? ……I’ve tried

Stuart Heritage, a British Guardian magazine film, television and music writer, writes in this column about his own experience: Is transcendental meditation really effective? He had done many things in his noisy everyday life for an oasis of peace, but eventually decided to try transcendental meditation. The following is a…

Healing from the Heart

Prior to becoming an astrologer myself, in my twenties one of my first astrology teachers remarked that my life would predominantly be about healing from the heart. This piece of information seemed to bounce along the surface of my awareness, for I hoped to steer far off that course by…

5 Ways to Apply Yoga into Your Life

A common misconception of yoga is that it is a physical practice (asana); a form of exercise. Well you aren’t completely wrong. Yoga means “union” – which means we are uniting all parts of ourselves when we practice, not just the physical body. This means yoga is so much more…
