Membership Overview
Yoga Trade GUILD Membership is for Businesses, Wellness Entrepreneurs, and Community Organizers ready to get the most out of our Community and Platform.
GUILD is a term borrowed from Permaculture that refers to a community of plants, animals, or in this case people, that grow and support each other by cycling resources, providing shelter, and attracting other beneficial individuals to their common call to grow and thrive.
This goes to the core of why Yoga Trade exists.
GUILD Members are trusted partners in our community who align with our shared values and goals to mindfully create and support wellness-minded community around the Globe. Once verified, Guild Members have full access to our global community of wellness professionals: Post unlimited Opportunities, Contact Members Directly, Team Build, and Access Top Tier Candidates for your next position or project.
Additionally, GUILD Members’ Job and Event postings enjoy increased visibility and trust among users of our platform. By banding together the best of what our Community has to offer, we all enjoy the benefits of increased access, transparency, trust and vision that form the foundation of our mission. Apply for Guild Membership Tod