This is a repost from the blog at Sunburnt & Salty Yoga Company
You can find the original post HERE
This Sunday, December 21st, marks the December, or Winter, Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere where the Sun enters into Capricorn, creating the longest night of the year. “Solstice” (Latin: sol – sun, sistere – standing still) can be translated to the sun standing still and according to tradition, your soul stands still on the night of the Solstice – possibly long enough so that you can catch a glimpse of it. For thousands of years, the Solstice has been a time of coming together, celebration, and nourishment of the body, mind and soul. The Romans used to hold the Feast of Saturnalia around this time of year in honor of the deity Saturn and the changing of the seasons.
This year the Winter Solstice is super-powered due to a rare New Moon in Capricorn that coincides on the same day. Now the longest night of the year will also be the darkest night of the year. But don’t let that freak you out – good things are on the way, if you believe. According to Diane Booth Gilliam, founder of Yogastrology, “The darkest night contains the most magnetic power – time to draw forth what you want, to incubate your best intentions, nurture your high hopes for your BEST New Year ever.” Now I can definitely dig that!
This New Moon in Capricorn on the Winter Solstice recognizes a new time, a new season and a new opportunity to take charge of what your soul really wants. According to the ever-so wise, “These turning points are opportunities for us to come together and unite our intentions in visualizing and birthing more LIGHT for our planet.” Love your light and embrace your dark; appreciate both your good qualities and your unique quirks. This creates wholeness. This creates balance. “Embracing your shadow will empower you.” Forgive yourself for your imperfections, forgive yourself for your past, and forgive others around you.
If you want to begin something new in life, or if you are already in the process of beginning something new, this is YOUR time! The uber-inspiring Kelley Rosano explains that you must not GET ready, you must BE ready as the planet Uranus, the ruler of freedom, moves direct just hours before the New Moon. Uranus moving direct is a green light from the Universe. It’s time to move forward, it’s time to take action, and it’s time to take control of your life. Live a life based on love, not fear. Release your false ideas and limiting beliefs – they only hold you back – and allow your Higher Consciousness to help guide your decisions, empowering you to live a life of authenticity. When you do what is right for you, you are in alignment with your soul.
Although, we must become grounded and centered before we can take action. By grounding ourselves we get clear. We tap into our honor and our integrity. Meditate, get out into nature, write, or draw, or sing. Once we are grounded, once we are clear, and once we are centered only then can we really move from our hearts. As Rosano explains, “You are setting the foundation for the next 12 months – what do you believe is possible for you?”
Caitlin Lawson is a yoga practicing, wave sliding, positive vibe warrior based out of Rincon, Puerto Rico. Caitlin is a RYT-200, WPA Level 1 Certified, and SUP Yoga Certified. She is the founder of Sunburnt & Salty Yoga Company –