Luminous waves
Oh how I love you.
The way you lift up the whole ocean and heal our souls.
The way you teach us everything there is to know about life.
Oceanic breath cleanse me.
Oh dear waves remind me that I am more similar to you, than to a solid, unchanging being,
Remind me of the endless transformations I go through,
Remind me to embrace the flow of life,
Remind me to gracefully accept being lifted up and smashed down.
Oh dear waves remind me of the magnificent beauty life is made up of,
Remind me that I am a fluid, boundless, powerful being,
Remind me to allow what’s happening to happen,
Remind me to breath with the grace of your ebb and flow.
Oh dear waves remind me how to let go,
Remind me that fighting against the undercurrents of my life will just pull me deeper,
Remind me how to allow life to hold me in it’s arms for a little while and not let me go,
Remind me to relax and know that I will resurface if I learn to stop resisting.
Oh dear waves remind me how to be at peace,
Remind me that I cannot stop the powerful swells that rush into my life,
Remind me that I can learn to be in harmony with them,
Remind me that being at apart of something so much larger than myself is incredibly liberating.
Oh dear waves remind me of the bliss I am capable of feeling,
Remind me of the luminous energy you soak into my being,
Remind me of the incomprehensible depth and limitless space I am currently apart of,
Remind me how to love without boundaries and act with the guidance of universal forces.
Luminous waves
Oh how I love you.
The way you lift up the whole ocean and heal our souls.
The way you teach us everything there is to know about life.
Oceanic breath cleanse me.
Cassandra Cornacchia is currently trying to balance being an environmental activist, studying social work, and feeling at peace with herself and the world. She enjoys getting lost in stars and sunsets, being among trees and sitting by the sea.