Every now and then we come across inspiration that really lights us up! While browsing TED Talks on a rainy day, I stumbled across one from Tao Porchon-Lynch. The now 97 years young Tao has been named the “Oldest Yoga Teacher” by Guinness World Records. She has lived an amazing life and has a vibrancy and vitality that is so strong it can be felt through her online presence. She was gracious enough to share some words of wisdom with the Yoga Trade community. Thank you Tao for your spark, for being YOU, and for reminding us all that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE! 


Where does your name, Tao come from?

When my family was naming me I was so full of life my Ayah kept calling me not the tao4name they had decided upon, but Tao!  “Tao she is so full of the energy and wonder of life,” my uncle said.  “That’s it. From now on, not just Andree, but Tao!”

How has yoga evolved for you over the years?

When one tunes in to our inner self, we learn that the breath of life is the pathway to oneness and the melody of the soul with each beat of the heart.

What do you remember most from your experience marching with Gandhi when you were young?

The incredible march without violence from those who were often beaten, but never retaliated, even when they were badly hurt. Gandhi inspired and created a oneness that made the crowd in touch with the power of freedom.

If time travel was possible, what would your 90 year old self tell your 30 year old self?

Truth is oneness not just in words but by living your beliefs.tao3

How do you think technology is affecting our world and what advice do you have on maintaining balance?

I think we should take more time to get rid of garbage, instead of making more and more holes in this beautiful nature that has given us so much the fruits of life.

Where is your favorite place in nature?

Wherever there are beautiful trees, then nature advertises the wonder of life.

What are you most passionate about?

The dance of yoga inside the beauty and wonder of the dance of life.

What is your most powerful mantra?

“Nothing is impossible.”


Photo credit: Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy (cover and article) & Robert Sturman (bio).




Millions across the globe have been inspired by 97-year-old Tao Porchon-Lynch–World War II French Resistance fighter, model, actress, film producer, wine connoisseur, ballroom dancer, and yoga master. She started yoga at age 8, and is considered a Grande Dame of Yoga. Her teachers were a Who’s Who of the Spiritual World–from The Maharishi to BKS Iyengar and K. Pattabhi Jois. Named “Oldest Yoga Teacher” by Guinness World Records in 2012, Tao exemplifies her mantra: There Is Nothing You Cannot Do. 





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