Cover Photo: Matt Dayka

The Power of YogActivism

As yogis we have a special responsibility to use the increased awareness and energy that can come from our practice and put it towards something positive. If we’re not careful, yoga can at times lead to a self-centered sense that it’s all about us. On one level that is certainly true, our thoughts and actions do have a very definite impact on our life and the lives of those around us. Collectively our thoughts and actions weave together to create the society we live in. When we make a committed decision to engage the aspects of ourselves that we need to work on, it’s important to also find ways to externalize that effort out into the world. Injustice exists in the world, perhaps it’s all just the gears of karma slowly churning their way through the universe. And perhaps the passion you feel in your heart for a particular injustice are those same karmic gears at work inside of you. Calling you to take action. Calling you to stand up for what you believe in and make a difference, however small it may seem. Through yoga we learn that given enough time, our bodies will start to respond to the practice. Softening, opening, strengthening. If we apply that lesson to the places in our lives where we feel called to action, amazing things can happen.

Living our yoga combined with a consistent effort toward social change we feel passionate about = YogActivism

In this episode of Radio Lantern, a podcast that explores and illuminates the many pathways to a fulfilled life, Angelo sits down with Peggy Oki, an activist and Founder of the Origami Whales Project who puts her energy where her heart is and works tirelessly to affect change in an effort to help save our oceans and the beautiful sentient beings who inhabit them. Through yoga and surfing, Peggy is able to weave joy into her life while she makes the difficult journey of the activist.

Listen to the podcast here: PEGGY OKI



Video by: Angelo Regalbuto

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